Perhaps the most overused word in the English language is the word dream. But a word of warning, this post isn't about wishing or hoping, though they may be involved. This post is about feeling a pull in your gut saying you need to do something and not being satisfied until you've tried.
Which is greater to you: the act of dreaming -- or achieving that dream?
Ask a friend what their dream is, and you might hear something like: The big house with 3 guest rooms, plenty of food -- chocolate to be specific, a place on the beach with its own pool. A wife/husband and 2.7 kids, twins with blonde hair. Or maybe it's to own their own company.
It's not the 'things,' but what happens there. A de-stressing, relaxing, freedom to just be, togetherness, entertaining, only time for enjoying what is. To contribute, give back, to be a part of something larger than ourselves. No pressure to make a life, only to live.
Isn't that what we really want?
I believe in the act of dreaming. And that success doesn't come with an overnight fulfillment. Well, it's best when it doesn't. I believe that true success is measured by what we become in the process. That's what determines when the dream has arrived.
The great spiritual leader, Andy Rooney, once said, "Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it."
Okay, maybe not quite a spiritual leader, but still. I think my friend Andy got it right.
Life is too short when it's an adventure; too long when it's a destination. And we get so caught up in the what if's that we lose track of what can be -- no matter what if. "What can be" can be no matter what happens to you. I believe.
They think life is measured by the number of years, so they try their best to preserve them. Being so careful not to move or change or do anything that would endanger their so/so life. Passing up the events and experiences and people by which gives more life to the years. And who the heck cares if you live to be 91 if you're a raging jerk.
People only care about the person you've been, who you are. The person you're becoming.
So, my thought for this weekend is:
Dream and dream and dream. Think about all that's possible. Draw a picture in your mind. Then erase it and draw it bigger, then bigger. Until there is not enough paper in this world to hold it all. Not enough ink to sustain the massive dreams that you have to pursue. Then get after it. There is no dream unless you chase it. One step at a time, chase it. Have strong faith, or develop it. Put positive vibes out into the world. Let nothing stand in your way. When a million people tell you that your same plan didn't work for them - get new friends. Ones that believe in you and encourage you in your own journey. Keep going. Keep dreaming. The "you" that you want to meet is being made in the process. Never, ever, ever give up. You are living the dream.
Love y'all.